The Induction Sequence

The induction Sequence:

The Induction Sequence is designed to inspire the candidate to a life of cheerful service. It is a connected series of events, which flow into one another. An Arrowman does not fully complete their induction into the Order until they complete the final step of the sequence, obtaining Brotherhood membership.

Election: The Scout’s first official contact with the Order of the Arrow lodge is when he is selected by his fellow Scouts as a candidate for induction in the Order of the Arrow.

Call-Out: A call-out is a public recognition designed to honor the Scout’s election to the Order or the Arrow. It includes a brief history of the OA and the lodge, and information on where and when the candidate may take the Ordeal.

Pre-Ordeal Ceremony: This ceremony introduces the candidate to the principles of the Order of the Arrow and prepares the candidates for what is to come.

The Ordeal: The candidate receives a personal experience in living out the principles of the Order as they see examples of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. Ordeal

Ceremony: The candidate receives an explanation of the Ordeal as a whole, and he accepts an Obligation to cheerfully serve others.

New-Member Orientation: A time of fellowship following the Ordeal ceremony, but before the candidates return home. The orientation explains local and national traditions and the Obligation, and emphasizes the importance of Brotherhood membership. It is designed to give the new members a clear, but brief, understanding of the Ordeal and their commitment. Its purpose is to encourage the new members to participate in their lodge, chapter, and unit’s program. JumpStart for New Arrowmen in introduced. Journey to

Brotherhood: During this 10-months of service to their troop, the new Arrowmen spend time learning the customs and traditions of the Order and experiencing the challenges of the Ordeal in new ways as they expand their leadership, and serve as an example of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service.

Brotherhood Ceremony: The Ordeal member reaffirms his Obligation and makes a new commitment to himself, his troop, his chapter, and his lodge. Most of you reading this handbook have passed through all of these steps, or are in the last two. We strongly encourage you, as Allowat Sakima did, to fulfill your obligation, and to return to Camp Naish to become full brothers in the Order of the Arrow.