Customs and Traditions

Tamegonit lodge customs and Traditions

These customs of Tamegonit Lodge serve two purposes. First they illustrate to all Scouts that Arrowmen are set apart from their fellow Scouts for something higher. Second, they remind Arrowmen of the commitments they have made, and of the high ideals of the Order. These customs should be observed by all Tamegonit members at all Heart of America Council Camps, and at all Order of the Arrow and Scouting functions.

1. Within 24 hours of returning to Camp Naish visit Whippoorwill Council Ring. While there, rededicate yourself to the obligations you have as an Arrowman and as a Scout.

2. Whenever entering or leaving Whippoorwill Council Ring, or any council campfire circle, an Arrowman faces the fire and gives the hailing sign.

3. The position of prayer is a position assumed by Arrowmen at time of formal prayer. The Arrowmen stand at attention, with their arms raised and crossed at the level of the forehead. The position of prayer is assumed at three times: A. Upon the first note of Taps at Scout camp, an Arrowman faces North and assumes the position of prayer until the last note. B. When saying grace over a meal at Scout camp, or at an Order of the Arrow or Scouting function, an Arrowman assumes the position of prayer. C. At OA ceremonies, while Meteu is giving a prayer, an Arrowman assumes the position of prayer.

4. Arrowmen line the trail leaving the council ring at the end of visitor’s night campfire at Camp Naish.

5. The Order of the Arrow sash is worn to all campfires, to all OA ceremonies, and OA activities, and when serving as an Arrowman. It may also be worn at troop courts of honor and troop campfires, according to troop custom. It should not be worn over the belt at any time.

6. The Lodge Coup Thong is worn at all times while at camp, and at all Scout meetings and functions, whether the Arrowman is in uniform or not.

7. New Ordeal members are permitted to eat first at the cracker-barrel following their ceremony of induction.